Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services in Denver Public Schools can take several forms:
Direct Services: A teacher certified in education of the Deaf and hard of hearing works directly with students, and provides instruction in:
Auditory development and/or functional auditory skills
Speech and language skills
Academic skill support
Social-emotional skills
Self-advocacy skills
Indirect Consultative Skills: The impact of hearing loss in the educational setting is often unknown or misunderstood. An Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TOD) works to build capacity within school buildings. Through collaboration with school staff (teachers, special service providers, faculty, etc.) the TOD provides tools and resources for optimal access to the curriculum. Itinerant Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing provide recommendations for accommodations and modifications to ameliorate difficult listening situations.
Center programs: A teacher of the deaf can also serve Deaf and hard of hearing students in a center based-program. Please contact for more information about center programs.

Roles & Responsibilities
A student receives Deaf and Hard of Hearing services when there is an educationally significant hearing loss that meets the criteria set by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). The student must also demonstrate a need for specialized instruction to receive services. For more information, refer to the Colorado Department of Education.
An Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing supports students ages 3 to 21 in a variety of settings. Settings could include small group sessions, general education classrooms, center programs, job sites, etc. These professionals travel from school to school in DPS to provide instructional and consultative services, as determined by the IEP. Itinerant Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing have the following roles and responsibilities:
Provide specialized instruction to students on their caseload. Instruction is based on the Expanded Core Curriculum.
Teach a diverse range of students including students with additional disabilities, and with students who are culturally and linguistically diverse.
Work with students who use spoken language, sign language, communication devices, or other modes of communication.
Provide in-services to school staff to develop their skills needed to work with students.
Assist in managing hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other hearing assistance technology.
Consult and collaborate with the Educational Audiologist for recommendations and assistance, as needed.
Ensure accommodations are implemented in the classroom and for state, district, and classroom assessments.
Communicate effectively with parents, school staff, and other professionals to monitor progress and student needs.
If your child has an IEP, please provide a copy of the IEP to the school’s special education team. Contact information for the special education team can typically be found on the individual school’s website. The school principal or office staff may also be able to provide initial support regarding your child’s IEP.
If you suspect your child has difficulty hearing, please reach out first to the school nurse at your child’s school. The nurse may be able to perform a screening at school to determine whether further testing is needed. If your child has a diagnosed hearing loss you may reach out directly to the DPS audiology team.
DPS Resources
Contact Us
P: 720-423-2400
Manager: Michelle Chacon