Child Find
Denver Public Schools Child Find seeks to support and ensure positive educational outcomes for all families in the city and county of Denver. Our team is here to provide you and your family with support, interventions, and next steps when concerns arise. All services are available for children three years old through age five who are not yet enrolled in a public or charter school. Screenings, evaluations, and school-based services for eligible children are all available at no cost to the family.
To refer children 0-3 years old residing in Denver Country, please visit Rocky Mountain Human Services or submit a referral here.
For children turning 5 on or before October 1st of the current school year, please contact your child’s school of attendance. If your child is enrolled in a private school, find more information here about the referral process.
Services offered through Child Find:
Developmental Screenings
Hearing/Vision Screenings
Multi-disciplinary Evaluation
These services address concerns in the areas of, but not limited to:
Academics/Early Learning Skills
Motor (Gross/Fine)
Northeast: Sewall at The FNE Zone
4800 Telluride, 80249
Northwest: Cowell Elementary School
4540 W. 10th Ave, 80204
North Central: Gilpin Elementary School
2949 California St, 80205
Southeast: Samuels Elementary School
3985 S Vincennes Ct, 80237
Southwest: Godsman Elementary School
2120 W Arkansas Ave, 80223

Contact Us
For other questions or concerns related to Child Find please contact:
Child Find Intake Line
Ages 3-5 - Bridget Gillogley, Child Find Manager
Ages 5-21 - Liz Van Liere, Senior Manager, Assessment & Curriculum