Mental Health Services
DPS provides licensed and trained social workers and psychologists on school campuses to support the emotional and social well being of our students. These services are free to students and families, and are available to foster the development of the Whole Child.
More information on supports and services coming soon!
Suicide Prevention and Response
Suicide is a leading cause of death for children and youth in Colorado. Referrals for hospitalization continue to rise as Colorado has one of the highest rates for suicide in the country.
Denver Public Schools is dedicated to serving the Whole Child by working to ensure physical and psychological safety in schools. All schools work diligently to provide access to suicide prevention programming and community resources.
As a parent, it’s important to be aware of common warning signs, and to take all concerns seriously. Remember that together, we can prevent suicide!

What should I do if I have concerns about my child?
It’s important to take all concerns seriously! Listen to your child, and acknowledge how they feel. Let them know you care and seek help from a trained mental health professional.
When risk is imminent, call 911 or transport your child to the nearest emergency room.
If you are worried about another child, you can call 911 or make a Safe2Tell report by calling 1-877-542-7233 or completing the form online.
How does DPS support suicide prevention?
DPS schools implement annual suicide prevention programming with students in 5th, 6th, 9th, and 12th grades. Schools select programming from a menu of options that include:
Riding the Waves from Crisis Connections
Signs of Suicide (SOS) from MindWise Innovations
More than Sad: Teen Depression from American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
It’s Real: College Students and Mental Health from American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Erika's Lighthouse: Classroom Education from Erika’s Lighthouse
Question. Persuade. and Refer. from QPR Institute
Safe2Tell Colorado (programming in all schools)
DPS schools also provide access to annual training for school staff and guardians/caregivers. School mental health providers further work to cultivate community partnerships to support student and family access to affordable and relevant mental health services.
What else can I do as a parent?
Talk with your child about mental health. Be present, listen, and take all concerns seriously.
Help your child identify trusted adults that they get help from. Talk to your child about Safe2Tell, and make sure they know how to report concerns at home, school, and in the community.
Share information on talk and text lines such as 988, the Colorado Crisis Services, and the Trevor Project that children and youth can access for support. Consider practicing a call with your child.
Engage in means restriction by limiting access to things your child can use to harm themself. This includes increasing supervision and implementing gun safety. Remove any medications that a child could use and overdose.
Partner with your school’s mental health provider (school psychologist, social worker, counselor, or nurse) to implement a safety plan for school and home. Use the DPS School Finder to locate your school’s web page and contact information.
Ask your school or primary care physician about free or low cost resources in your community.
Access referrals provided by emergency services. This could include follow-up with a primary care physician, referral to school-based health center, or a referral for free counseling through Second Wind Fund.
Student Safety Protocol Processes
The Student Safety Team supports school communities in the following areas of work that include, but are not limited to: Suicide Risk Review Process, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Process, Threat Response Process, Individualized Supervision Management Plans, Truancy/Delinquency, and the District Crisis Recovery Team.
Threat Response Process
The Threat Response Process is supported by a student safety protocol that is implemented when a student poses a threat, makes a threat, or if there is concern that a student may be about to act out violently. The protocol includes a Preliminary Information Gathering Form and a Full Threat Appraisal.
Suicide Risk Review Process
The Suicide Risk Review Process is supported by a student safety protocol that is initiated whenever a student talks about harming themself, or if there is concern that a student has thoughts about hurting themself. The protocol includes a Preliminary Suicide Risk Screener and Full Suicide Risk Review.
Non-Suicidal Self Injury Process
The Non-Suicidal Self Injury Process is supported by a student safety protocol that is initiated whenever a staff member becomes aware that a student has been hurting themself through self-injury. The protocol is called the Non-Suicidal Self Injury protocol.
Intervention and Supports
Each student safety protocol is concluded with the development and implementation of an Action and Intervention Plan to help support the safety of the student, school community, and a successful return to learning.
Contact us
P: 720-423-2645
Email Meredith Fatseas, Director of Mental Health Services
Director: Meredith Fatseas
Suicide Prevention and Response
Families needing support outside of the instructional day or during a school holiday, can access the Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255 or Judi’s House for grief and loss support at 720-941-0331.
DPS District Crisis Recovery Team (DCRT)
DPS District Crisis Recovery Team (DCRT) works to support schools with response and recovery efforts following a crisis. DCRT Responders include school psychologists, school social workers, nurses, counselors and other staff. DCRT Responders implement services aligned with the NASP PREPaRE Model in collaboration with DPS Communications and DPS Department of Climate and Safety. Staff receive support through the Employee Assistance Program. For more information on your school’s crisis response and recovery efforts, please contact your school’s mental health providers.
Dr. Jane Lineman, Sr. Team Lead, Student Safety Coordinator
Cell: 720-545-3632
Juvenile Court Liaison
The Juvenile Court Liaison supports DPS students who are engaged with any aspect of the justice system, by ensuring access to educational options and wraparound services that foster a successful pathway to graduation. This position is liaison for all students, guardians/caregivers, and officers of the court with questions about enrollment, college or career readiness, career and technical certification, participation in school activities, or supportive wraparound services. The Juvenile Court Liaison can also help coordinate meetings between the student and their school team to ensure all needed supports are in place for attendance, and to create a graduation plan for the student. The Juvenile Court Liaison is the official point-of-contact for justice engaged students. Reach out to ask questions, or request assistance!
Jane Lineman, Juvenile Court Liaison
Phone: 720-545-3632