Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Tips for Parents
Parents often ask what they can do to help their children at home. Here are some suggestions on how you can support your child’s learning.
Let your child know how much you love and value him/her.
Provide opportunities for your child to see you reading, both for enjoyment and for information.
Read to your child every day. Children love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. Get a library card and go to the library weekly. Discuss the books after you have read them.
Encourage your child to ask questions. Answer them in language your child can understand.
Talk with your child about daily activities, trips, and special events that happen in your child’s life.
Display your child’s school work in a prominent place.
Take your child as many places as possible – shopping, to the zoo, the airport, local parks, etc.
Provide learning materials for your child such as books, paints, scissors, paper, crayons, and pencils.
Encourage your child to wash, dress, and take care of his/her personal needs.
Teach your child their birthdate, address and phone number.
Supervise closely what your child watches on television. Violent and/or sexually explicit films (including the daily “soap operas”) are inappropriate for young children.
Limit the time your child watches television.
Provide rules that are fair, reasonable, and easy for your child to understand.
Teach your child the letters in their first and last names and how to write them.
Help your child learn their colors.
Sing songs and say nursery rhymes.
Play games (card games and board games as well as outside games)
Count objects together.